Request an estimate for this trip

We are sorry that Corritrip will be out of service from December 28, 2018 through January 8, 2019. We will contact you after January 8, 2019.

Please fill in the form below.
We will send you an estimate for your trip by e-mail within a few days.

* It may not be able to meet your requests, depending on the schedule.
* Reservations will not be completed in this form submission.

[ * ] is required to fill in.

Tour name * 3-Day Bus Trip to visit Japan's Must-See toursists attractions, Lake Kawaguchiko and Takayama
Name *

First name

Last name

Country of Residence *
E-mail *
Departure date *
Bus ticket type *

Please choose the ticket type for the highway bus.

Web Ticket: Please print out the ticket sent to you by email and pass it to the bus driver.

Mobile Ticket: Please display the image of mobile ticket on your smart phone to the bus driver.
(This ticket type does not apply to the users who do not have a smart phone.)

Hotel list *

Please choose the hotel from the following list for each stay.

1st night

2nd night

Number of guests *

Adult (Male) /

Adult (Female) /

Child (Male) / * 6 to 12 years old

Child (Female) / * 6 to 12 years old

Child (Male) / * 2 to 5 years old (Bus seats required)

Child (Female) / * 2 to 5 years old (Bus seats required)

Baby / * Under 2 years old
Do you want a separate bus seat for your children?
* If your children occupies a separate seat, bus fare for children will be charged.
